The Experts

We have carefully hand-picked our amazing experts that we know will help you!

Katie Higham

Katie Higham

Katie's Classroom - Education and Children's Mental Health Specialist
Katie is a mum of four and the founder of Katie’s Classroom, a successful six-figure education and mental health and emotional well-being company. She has a passion for helping parents help their children and since launching she has helped over 30,000 families support their children both academically and emotionally. Katie, a qualified teacher, offers an extensive library of Maths and Phonics videos on her online tutoring website. She has a wide range of revision and mental health flashcards for children, teenagers and adults. She is brutally honest with her social media followers at times about how hard parenthood is and shares her highs and lows of motherhood and running a successful business.
Michele Trevor Mini first aid

Michele Trevor

Mini First Aid Trainer
Mini First Aid Trainer for West Leeds, Bradford and York. Mum to Maisy, Freya & Amelia.After being alongside a friend who experienced her child having a seizure Michele realised just how important it was to learn basic first aid skills. She has taught life-changing skills to hundreds of parents and parents to be across the Yorkshire region.
Kelly Thistlethwaite

Kelly Thistlethwaite

Specialist Trauma Informed Yoga and Breathwork Instructor and Matrescence Coach
I'm a Yorkshire lass and mother to my beautiful 3.5yr old daughter Lily-May.My passion is to support Women throughout their motherhood journey to feel seen, heard and held. Too often we can feel isolated, lost, alone and overwhelmed whilst navigating the huge shift in identity that occurs when we become a mother.I support you in feeling happy, healthy, confident and empowered as you connect to and heal your physical body and settle into your new identity.I also specialise in supporting mothers following birth trauma and baby loss following my own experiences of both.I have my own private studio in West Yorkshire and treat clients all over the UK online. I am also the proud co-founder of FLY Mama.
Michelle Norton-Hughes

Michelle Norton-Hughes

Rebuild and Thrive - Specialist Women's Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
I am a busy mum to a little girl and 2 crazy cockapoo puppies and I am passionate about educating mothers to understand and optimise their health. I take a holistic treatment approach considering the effects that our lifestyles, stress, sleep, diet and hormones all play on our pelvic health. I teach Pilates and am a certified Mummy MOT practitionerAs a mother and former Ironman triathlete, I have personal experience of how the stress and demands placed on our bodies can affect our pelvic health and dysfunction. In the clinic, I offer a hands-on approach but also offer online consultations. My Physiotherapy and Wellness Practice is based in Hampshire UK and I am the proud co-founder of FLY Mama.
Samuel Hodge Personal Trainer

Sam Hodge

Samuel Hodge Personal Training - Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach
Sam is a father, personal trainer and certified nutrition coach who has helped many parents improve their strength, fitness, and overall well-being. Sam holds a Post Natal Fitness Specialist Certification and as a father to a 1-year-old, has experienced how tiring and challenging life can be living off 4 to 5 hours of intermittent sleep.
Laura Greenwood

Laura Greenwood

Accredited Psychotherapist & Maternal Mental Health Coach
Laura is an Accredited Psychotherapist and Maternal Mental Health Coach who has been working within the mental health and wellbeing field for over 14 years. Laura supports people to live a life that they love and to love themselves, something she believes that we are all capable of, and deserving of.Laura specialises in overcoming trauma, emotional regulation, Perinatal and Maternal Mental Health. She stepped into working with mothers at all points of their journey into and through motherhood, due to seeing the huge gap in current support for this client group.

Rebecca Trueman

Hypnobirthing and Infant Breast and Bottle Feeding Consultant - Birth and Baby Hub
Rebecca is the founder of Birth & Baby Hub. She is passionate about giving you the support you need during pregnancy and that all-important first year of parenting.You’ll find nurturing, parent-centred hypnobirthing and antenatal courses, as well as breastfeeding and postnatal support. She is also committed to the community, and organises parent meet-ups open to all families.Rebecca runs The Nest, a non-profit parenting space in Holmfirth, Huddersfield and enjoys supporting families from pregnancy right through to preschool age.Rebecca has supported hundreds of families in Yorkshire and beyond with breast and bottle feeding, and runs her own community breastfeeding group. She is passionate about helping parents and expectant parents discover their own confidence. Rebecca has one daughter of her own, who’s now five years old.
Hannah Mason Infant Sleep Expert

Hannah Mason

Infant Sleep Coach - Dusk to Dawn Sleep
Hannah is a qualified infant sleep coach, supporting families with children from 0-4 years old with all of their sleep needs. She also has training in perinatal mental health and her aim at Dusk to dawn sleep is to ease anxiety for families when it comes to sleep issues, and instead to provide hope that change is possible, so that they can embrace the early years of parenting more fully. She works alongside families in a holistic way, taking into account a wide range of factors and equips parents with knowledge and reassurance, giving them confidence (& the support) to make changes to their sleep situation.

Annie Robinson

Registered Midwife and Qualified Nurse - Blooming Babies
Annie has supported hundreds of parents-to-be by providing them with everything they need to know to prepare for parenthood!A mother of two herself Annie’s courses are informative, engaging and fun, they’re designed to provide you with all the information and support you need to plan for the later stages of pregnancy, birth and life with a newborn baby.
Dr Charlotte Dunster-Page

Dr Charlotte Dunster-Page

Clinical Psychologist led service on bonding, brain development and sleep - Born to Bond
Charlotte is the founder of Born to Bond, a non-profit organisation that supports families in building secure relationships with their babies. Born to Bond helps families to understand more about bonding, baby brain development and biologically normal infant sleep. Charlotte leads an Infant Mental Health Service within the NHS and founded Born to Bond to meet the need for such services in other parts of the country.
Mike Charlie

Mike Charlie

Mike Charlie Performance Coaching - Personal Coach
Mike is a coach with over a decade’s experience in delivering professional and personal development. Though he has a background in military aviation and leadership instruction, he has learned far more about effective coaching from the daily challenge of being a husband, parent and friend.
Penelope Henderson

Penelope Henderson

Registered Nutritionist - Nutrition 2 Nourish & Flourish
I’m a Registered Nutritionist specialising in children’s nutrition. I am passionate about food and how much joy this should bring to families. I also have personal experience with my two boys. One is neurodivergent and brings feeding challenges we have worked to overcome, now eating a better diet. I know how hard it is bringing up kids to eat well whilst feeling the pressures and guilt of whether you're doing it right.I am not just a Nutritionist! I use the responsive feeding approach to work with parents on the HOW to get them to even try foods before nutrition can be resolved. I understand the challenges parents face having been on this journey and love supporting others the same way.
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Sarah Power

Family Law Partner, Chadwick Lawrence
Sarah is a Partner and the Head of the Family Law team at Chadwick Lawrence. Sarah has a particular focus on divorce and addressing the financial settlements of divorcing couples, particularly those involving business assets and she often represents business owners and their spouses. Sarah also has a wealth of experience in other aspects of Family Law which includes advising on matters relating to the arrangements for children post-separation and the rights of unmarried couples.
Alex Shaw

Alex Shaw

Financial Advisor
Alex, Dad of 2, covers all aspects of financial advice and has helped a number of clients across the North of England and the UK.He can help advise on pensions, setting up a will, child trust funds, inheritance tax and general financial queries that come about in growing older and family life.
Caroline Winter

Caroline Winter

Sleep Trainer - Caroline Winter Sleep Nanny
Caroline, a married mother of three girls is a certified Sleep Specialist with over thirty years of industry experience under her belt! She has spent her whole career dedicated to this area of childcare and has helped numerous families achieve a peaceful night and consistent nightly schedule! She is committed to ensuring that all children in her care have a positive and happy experience.
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Suzanne Bertenshaw

Relationship and Holistic Therapist
Suzanne is owner of The Old Coach House Healing Centre in Huddersfield and is an intuitive and naturally gifted holistic therapist and healer with over 30 years experience of the mind, body and energy work. She has helped transform many people's lives by helping them overcome mental obstacles and grow into their greatest selves. She helps to improve relationships, knowing that the most important relationship is the one with yourself.
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Andy's Man Club

Helping men through the power of conversation
ANDYSMANCLUB are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. They want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. They have over 100 free support groups nationwide, running every Monday from 7PM except bank holidays. In these groups, men can open up about the storms affecting their lives in a safe, judgment-free and non-clinical environment. Click below to find the support group nearest you. Please remember - #ITSOKAYTOTALK

Want to be one of our experts?

If you have a specialism in any area of parenting and think you can add to our amazing panel of experts then please get in touch!