Head Bumps in Children
August 8, 2023
If your child is about to start primary school or even a new nursery or pre-school in September, we thought we’d better warn you about the dreaded “head bump form”. When my daughter was in reception class at primary school I think they used up a whole tree worth of paper in head bump forms and they would always make me feel very nervous with their WARNINGS and BIG BOLD PRINT!
Joking aside, head bumps can be very serious in little ones and it is really important to know the signs of concussion. We thought a blog to teach you everything you need to know about head bumps might be timely – I wonder how many days into the new school term it will be before you’re referring back to it . . .
Why are babies and children so accident-prone?
Every day, 45 children under 5 are admitted to a UK hospital following a serious fall – that’s over 16,000 every year.
One of the most common reasons that young children fall is that their rapid development takes parents and carers by surprise. For example, a baby might climb up something they were previously unable to reach – how many times have you heard someone say “I didn’t know they could do that”? Crawlers and toddlers have a strong natural instinct to explore but zero concept of danger – a scary combination!
With babies, people often think because they are not yet mobile there’s nothing to worry about. Cases where babies fall from a bed or changing table and sustain head injuries are actually pretty common, even though they’re only a couple of feet off the ground.
Even very young babies can wriggle and the soft spot in their skull – the fontanelle – means they’re at greater risk of a serious head injury if they fall. This soft spot closes at different times, but generally takes a few months to fully close and protect your baby’s brain.
What will happen if my child has a head bump at nursery or school?
You’ll usually be handed a head bump form at the end of the nursery or school day, just when the teacher is crazily busy with loads of other parents trying to track down lost cardigans or hand in sponsorship money. So it’s useful to know what to expect! The form will tell you:
· The date and time the head bump occurred and often a brief description eg fell off the climbing frame
· What first aid has been given which is usually “cold compress administered”
· It may have a picture showing where the head bump occurred eg front, back or side of the head
· a sometimes very long list of things to look out for which can sound quite alarming
· a staff signature and some may require you to sign it as well
My child has had a head bump – what do I need to be aware of?
Firstly you need to be aware that all bumps to the head are potentially dangerous, no matter how minor. For at least the first 24 hours after a head injury you need to keep an eye on your little one. Easier said than done we know.
Signs of a head injury (concussion) are:
· headache
· feeling sick or being sick
· mild dizziness – children may describe feeling “wobbly”
· mild blurring of vision – to test this ask them to tell you what they see in a favourite picture book or programme
· losing consciousness, even if only briefly
· difficulty staying awake
· any sign of skull damage (a dent in the head)
· slurred speech
· weakness, or loss of feeling in the arms or legs
· having a seizure
If your child experiences any of these signs or is behaving in a way not usual for them, seek medical advice. It is important to use your gut instinct here – you know your child better than anyone else.
Treating minor head bumps
Most minor head bumps can be treated at home whilst keeping an eye out for the signs of concussion listed above, which require that you seek medical advice.
If your child has a bump to the head make sure they sit down with a cold compress applied to the bump for at least 10 minutes. This is really important, even if it’s in the middle of playtime with friends! They need to avoid any rough play whilst recovering from their head bump.
Use a cold compress like these Elly bump pads to soothe pain or something from the freezer wrapped in a tea towel.
You can give your child the appropriate age-related dose of paracetamol if they have a headache.
Try not to do anything too busy or active with your child whilst they are recovering from a head injury – they need time to rest. Also, you ideally need to be free from distractions so you can keep an eye out for signs of concussion (see above).
Preventing head bumps
Obviously, there isn’t anything you can do to prevent a head bump whilst your child is in childcare or at school. But there are some things you can do at home:
· change your baby’s nappy on the floor – falls from a changing table or bed are actually quite common and can cause serious injury
· keep bouncy chairs and car seats on the floor – wriggly babies can move them a long way without you even realising
· put up stair safety gates before you actually need them – your baby will be showing signs they are close to being independently mobile so this is the time to install safety barriers
· strap your child into their highchair every time you use it. Growing children test their strength all the time and may decide to push themselves up and out of their seat
We hope this has given you a bit more confidence when faced with the dreaded head bump form. Bumps to the head are always frightening, but with a bit of knowledge your child will be in safe hands with you keeping an eye on them.
Thanks for reading, the Mini First Aid Team xx
If you’d like to know more about first aid for bumps, bleeds, breaks, burns and more, you can book a Mini First Aid class here
Sources: NHS Inform Scotland, Child Accident Prevention Trust