Family Life

Travelling safely with your children

Travelling Safely with Children

There is a lot to think about when planning a holiday, and a bit of preparation can go a long way towards a successful and safe family holiday.

keeping your children safe in the sun

Keeping your Children Safe in the Sun

How can I make sure my family are safe in the sun? Michele from Mini First Aid talks you through everything you need to know

How to Help Your Child Write a Fantastic Fairytale

How to Help Your Child Write a Fantastic Fairytale

It is often claimed that Albert Einstein once said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” 

Dealing with Opinions about Your Children

Dealing with Opinions about Your Children

Our expert, Katie and her husband from Katie’s Classroom talk below about how they have handled differing opinions, reactions, comments and judgements from people up to the point of their son’s autism diagnosis.